Seduce Me (The Heart Series) Read online

Page 3

  “Good evening, what can I get you tonight?”

  “A Cesar salad and a coffee please.” She walked away into the kitchen. Whilst I was waiting, I picked up my phone from out of my handbag. Another missed call from Dylan and two text messages, I wanted to ring him back, but I knew that was a bad idea.

  “Hi dumpling, I popped around to make sure you were all right, where are you? D.”

  Next message.

  “Have I done something wrong? If I have, I am so sorry, text me back please. I am starting to worry about you, D.”

  Now I knew I would have to text him back, but what can I say? Sorry Dylan I have run away and don’t want to tell you in case your sister finds out and string’s me up. But I had to write something.

  “Hi D, Sorry, I am exhausted. You haven’t done anything wrong. I lv u, Jazz xxx.”

  Right that will have to do. I hit the send button, too late now. I got a text right back.

  “Hi J, Are you sure you are all right? I am worried about you. I promised Cat I would keep my eye on you while she was at work, D.”

  He is the sweetest man on earth. I really don’t want to get him in trouble with Caitlin, I text him back.

  “D, I am fine. I swear it. Now don’t worry. If I need anything, I will text you. J xxx.”

  Bleep another text.

  “J, that’s cool. I am here for you, lv u 2, D.”

  “D, I lv u 2, J xxx.”

  I hoped that would work. I reached over to grab my bag to put my phone away when somebody ran into my chair. I ungracefully went flying off it.

  “Excuse me. I am really sorry I didn’t see you.” I was sat on the floor in a heap and my phone went flying across the room. I glanced up and saw a young man. “Please, let me help you up Miss.” He reached for my hand and pulled me up off the floor, “are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

  “No I am fine, don’t worry about it. These things happen, no harm, no foul.” He walked over and picked my phone up off the floor, and brought it back to me.

  “Let me make it up to you, can I buy you a drink?”

  “No thanks.” The waitress came over and put my food on the table. Her eyes lit up when she noticed the man. She slung her arms around his neck. He lifted her up and spun her around and then they kissed. How sweet, seeing young love. Then I felt sad again. I knew this wasn’t my life anymore. I fought back the tears.

  “Hi, what a surprise, what are you doing here?” She said to the young man.

  “Don’t you like seeing me?” He answered. His facial expressions changed to disappointment.

  “Yes I do. I wasn’t expecting you tonight, that’s all. Come sit down, what do you want to eat?” They both looked into each other’s eyes. The room lit up with happiness.

  “Surprise me,” he replied. I had to interrupt them.

  “Excuse me Miss, can I have a glass of water please?” My side was now thudding. I couldn’t take my hand off it. I needed painkillers fast. She brought me my coffee and a glass of water. I opened my bag and took out my pills. I downed two of them straight away. I was in a lot of extra pain, so I definitely needed more relief. I sat quietly and tried to eat my food, but I was finding it hard, my insides were in turmoil, and my ribs were killing me. When I glanced up, the man was staring at me, I turned my head away fast. Why is he staring at me? I hope I haven’t got food all over my face. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth. When I looked up again he was still staring at me, it was making me uncomfortable so I confronted him about it.

  “What are you staring at?” I asked him.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to stare. I am really sorry about earlier. Please, let me buy you a drink? I feel terrible about knocking you off your chair.”

  “No, I am fine,” I replied.

  “I insist. Please.”

  “All right, All right.” I put my hand’s up in the air. I only wanted a nice quiet evening, at least this way he would leave me alone.

  “What are you drinking?”


  “One coffee coming right up.”

  “Thank you.”

  After dinner, I had a slow walk back to the hotel. The fresh air would make me feel better. I wanted a long soak in the bath when I got back. It had been a long day. When I returned to my room, I threw my clothes onto the bed and ran the bath. I grabbed my toiletry bag and headed into the bathroom. I carefully stepped into the steamy water and sat down. This was a real treat. I heard my phone ringing, but I ignored it. I needed this indulgence.

  When I got out, I wrapped a towel around myself and went to find my phone. I reached into my bag and pulled it out, a text from Cat.

  “I popped round to check in on you on my way home from work, why does you apartment have a FOR SALE sign on it? What is going on with you?”

  I should text her back. No! You will only tell her where you are, she will come and take you home, think about it Jazz you know it’s true. My mind was right. I would have to ignore it. This was even harder than I thought it would be.

  I sat on the bed and opened my overnight bag. I reached in and pulled out an envelope that contained my bracelet. Greg had given it to me when I agreed to be his submissive. It was a beautiful black nickel charm bracelet. He had already attached one charm to it, two hearts entwined. He said every year that we played our game I could add another charm, but I was only ever to wear it on the weekends when we wanted to play ‘that game.’ I sat on the bed clutching the bracelet in my hand and burst into tears again.

  “Greg, why did you leave me alone? How could you do this to me? I love you, please come back to me. I am empty without you in my life.” My phone bleeping again which rudely interrupted me from myself-pity. I picked it up and took a look. Oh no, another text from Dylan. This couldn’t be a good sign.

  “JASMINE WILLIAMS, you lied to me. Cat is furious. I hope you have a good explanation why your apartment is for sale. Dylan. Lv u, adopted brother forever.”

  No, I didn’t want to get Dylan into trouble, but what do I text back? I was so unsure. I could see Dylan sat in a small chair and Cat hovering above him wagging her finger. This wasn’t his fault. How could I fix it for him?

  “Sorry bro. I didn’t want to get you in trouble. I am really, really, really sorry. I will be in touch with Cat in a few days. Please be patient with me. I am torn in two and confused at the minute. I needed to get away. All my love J xxx.”

  Now I had something else to be upset about. My life was a total shambles. I looked at the clock. 9:30, it was still early, so I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Then I slipped on my jeans and a t-shirt, I tied my hair up in a rough pony tail and headed downstairs. I noticed a bar when I came back from the restaurant. What I needed now was a stiff drink. I went down in the elevator and headed straight for the bar. I took a seat, now I was going to turn into a bar fly, well this will be new to me.

  “Good evening, what can I get you?” Good question, what did I want?

  “Can I have a Midori and lemonade please, no ice.”

  “Coming right up.” The bartender handed me my drink. I took a sip, now that tasted like heaven. My phone started beeping again. Don’t look at it Jazz. But I had to, my curiosity won.

  “Hi J, I handled Caitlin for you. She is still pissed, but I have a master plan to calm her down. Every day I need you to text me and let me know your safe, then I can relay that info to Cat, what do you think? D.”

  Sounded like a good plan, but I was surprised that Dylan came up with it, so I text him back.

  “Sounds good to me, I accept your proposal, thanks D, I owe you, J xxx.”

  “Glad u agree, don’t forget to text me, EVERY DAY, I will be in serious do do if you don’t, D.”

  “I promise, stop worrying, J xxx.”

  I finished my drink. He had made me feel a bit better about what I was doing. I headed back up to my room feeling more confident about my future. I got undressed and looked down at my nipple rings, now there’s no point in having them in anymore. I got
them done for Greg to help with our dominant/submissive game. They worked so well that he went and got his left nipple pierced as well. We both had surgical steel beaded captive rings. Mine were 1.0 mm thickness and Greg’s was 1.6 mm thickness. It did enhance our sex life tremendously. I took them out and placed them into the envelope that contained my bracelet. I kissed the envelope and placed it down on the bed. I got my pyjamas on and lay down, I picked the envelope up and placed it on my chest.

  I laid there reminiscing about our life and how we met. We had ended up going to the same secondary school together. That’s when he tried to ask me out. We were sat in a history lesson. He was back a few tables from me and slightly to the left. I felt something hit the back of my head, I looked around but couldn’t see anything, my friend Tracy picked up a rubber and handed it to me.

  “What’s this?” I asked her.

  “Greg threw it at you.” I turned around and set my dagger eyes on him. I turned back around and looked at the rubber, on one side it said.

  “Will you.” I turned it over he had written on the other side “go out with me?” I had no idea he was being serious, so I ignored it. I was a very quiet child at school, well to start with anyway. I was withdrawn and tubby. I never really fit into my social circle at school, so I didn’t believe it. I thought he was doing it for a laugh, a typical teenage boy joke. Then Tracy tapped my arm.

  “What?” I asked.

  “This note is for you.” I took it off her and read it.

  “Well, will you go out with me?” I still thought it was a joke. I had no idea he really meant it. When the bell went, I got up to leave the classroom, he ran up to me.

  “Jasmine what’s your answer?”

  “You can drop your act now, all your friends have gone,” I replied.

  “Act, this isn’t an act, I want to go out with you.” I wasn’t sure if he was playing with me or not, “meet me after school. I will walk you home.” I walked off, I didn’t want to be the butt of his joking around.

  At the end of school he was waiting in the bike sheds for me.

  “Ready Jasmine?”

  “Yes ok.” so I let him walk me home. I pushed my bike, and he walked beside me. He couldn’t walk me all the way as he lived at the opposite side of town, and he needed to catch a bus.

  “Do you fancy going to the cinema with me tomorrow?”

  “Yeah sure why not,” I replied. I was beginning to believe he really wanted to go out with me. I wasn’t sure what to make of it all. I daren’t get my hopes up to high just in case it all turned out to be a one big joke.

  The next day he met me at the school gates, we had a good talk. We had quite a bit in common. That night he kept his word and took me to see a film, he wanted to sit on the back seats. I knew what his game was, I was right. He didn’t want to watch the film at all, he wanted a quick grope on the back row. He walked me home. He kissed me on the cheek and left.

  The next few weeks went really well, he took me for a walk around the bar walls, but I wished I hadn’t of worn heels. I had king-sized blisters once I had got home. He even took me to a teenage disco, it was great fun being around him. He gave me confidence within myself. I started sticking up for myself more. I lost my puppy fat, and grew up. Now I had found my voice, I was determined never again would I be hit by anyone. When someone started on me at school, I fought back, I got into some major fights, but I never lost. I didn’t like fighting, but I was getting my head kicked in at home so I wasn’t going to let a living soul hurt me again. School turned into my sanctuary. I never really wanted to learn, it was an escape for me. I just mucked about all day, but it was some fun years. I still didn’t have many true friends, but I had lots of acquaintances, for the next five years we dated on and off. It was never really that serious, just someone to talk to really, a bit of company now and then.

  After I left school, we went our separate ways, I trained to be a secretary, and I wasn’t sure what he was doing. We lost touch with each other, but I never really wanted a boyfriend again, I knuckled down and learnt my trade. I’d found my niche in life, It came natural to me and I loved it. I got my own place, it was great having my own space, not having to answer to anyone.

  I was twenty-one when we bumped back into one another again, wow, he was stunning, all grown up. He was very handsome. It was like putting on an old pair of gloves. We picked up from where we left off, and our old teen romance developed into a full-blown relationship. He made me laugh every day. We loved music and going out to concerts. He worked away during the week, so I only had him to myself at the weekends, but we made the most of it. He proposed to me on my twenty-second birthday, he was an old romantic at heart.

  He hired a riverboat, and had invited everyone along for a party on the river. It was an amazing night, lots of singing and dancing, with a barbecue thrown in. He had made sure to get me my own special barbecue food. I was allergic to pepper and spices. He went in search for some sausages, which didn’t contain all the ingredients I couldn’t eat. He bought rump steak, and he had lots of coleslaw on hand for me.

  When the boat docked at the end of the night, he had a horse-drawn carriage waiting for me, he put a blanket over my knee and off we went, he held me so close, this was the most perfect moment in my life. When we got home he helped me out of the carriage and took me inside. I had no idea what was coming, he knelt down on one knee, I put my hands to my mouth, I started shaking, a tear pricked the side of my eyes.

  “Jasmine Williams, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” I nearly fell over with the shock. What else could I say but.

  “Yes, I will marry you.” He stood up and handed me a box, when I opened it, I saw the biggest ruby staring back at me. He took it out of the box and placed it on my ring finger. I couldn’t wait to tell Caitlin about it in the morning, she loved Greg. He could do no wrong in her eyes. I lay on the bed, with tears rolling down my face at the memories. This was an impossible situation. I put the envelope back in my overnight bag and drifted off into an unsettled sleep.

  I woke up sweating, finding it hard to breathe. How much longer would I have to face these nightmares? I still couldn’t remember the accident when I was in my awakened state. I was upside down in the car. My seatbelt was still fastened. My head hurt, I reached up with my hand to hold it, but it felt wet. I looked at my hand, it was covered in blood. I could see flashing blue lights out of the corner of my eye. I could hear sirens in the distance, I could hear loud screaming, but I wasn’t sure from who, then it goes silent. I then hear voices talking quietly, “This wasn’t my fault, I was trying to lose the paparazzi. They are hounding me, because of you, this is your mess, not mine,” I can’t see any faces. I turn to my right and see Greg, No! . . . And then it all goes dark. This was truly like a living nightmare. I got up and splashed cold water on my face before finally going back to bed.

  Chapter 3

  I woke up feeling like I had no sleep at all. I went to the bathroom, grabbed a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and got changed. I picked up my overnight bag and walked out of the room. I was hopeful about the house Henry had recommended. If not, I would be back here tonight. So off I went feeling a bit more optimistic, well compared to yesterday. I still felt guilty about not telling Cat about my plans, especially after everything she had done after Greg died.

  It only took me forty minutes to find the corner shop. I had set off on foot. I was still suffering from the one drink I had last night at the bar, but it was still not bad going really for me. Cat always teased I was terrible at finding places, she said. “You couldn’t find your way out of a paper bag.” Cat had an amazing sense of humour, sometimes.

  I stood outside the shop too nervous to go in. I walked away down the street and found a bench to sit on. I had to take a minute to gather my thoughts. Starting over again was no easy task. I was still worried this wasn’t a great idea. Was I really doing the right thing? But I knew deep in my heart, I was. I couldn’t go back to how it was.
I needed to move on.

  I stood up, straightened my clothing, and walked back towards the shop. I put my hand on the handle and pushed it down. The door opened, and a bell tingled above my head. I took my first step inside. I was instantly hit by the smell of sweets. I could just eat a bag of midget gems I thought. I looked around. It was like I had stepped back in time, behind the counter lay loads of shelving, stacked on them sat glass jars of old-fashioned sweets. There was a long oak counter, on top of which was a pair of old-fashioned scales, with weights sitting in front. In front of the counter was a rack with all the different tabloids and comics on, I saw a lady at the counter, she had short red straight hair with flecks of grey running through. As I got nearer, I noticed she was wearing a pinafore dress, it was brown with small dots on it in different colours. I had not seen one of these dresses in years, very retro. I tentatively walked up and approached her. I gulped before I could speak.

  “Hi, can I speak to Mr or Mrs Chambers please?”

  “Yes, I am Mrs Martha Chambers, how may I help you?” She replied.

  “Hello Mrs Chambers. My name is Jasmine Williams, I was told by the desk manager, Harry, from The River Run Hotel, that you may have a house for lease?” I had my fingers crossed in hope, but this talking to new people was harder than I thought it would be. I never remember being this nervous when I was a bit younger.