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Seduce Me (The Heart Series) Page 5
Seduce Me (The Heart Series) Read online
Page 5
“I love it.” I said trying hard not to bounce up and down, I was still suffering with my ribs, and I didn’t want to frighten her off. I was finding it hard to contain my excitement.
“I am glad you like it, there is also a garage at the side of the house. We do keep a few items in there for maintenance purposes.”
“That’s fine,” I said. I couldn’t wait to get back to my dub and get unpacking my stuff. She handed me a tenancy agreement, so I filled it in, I got out my cheque book and wrote her a cheque for my deposit and the first six months’ rent up front.
“Thank you so much,” I said. I shook her hand. I still couldn’t believe my luck at finding this place.
“Now you’re part of the family, call me Mar, short for Martha,” she said. “Mrs Chamber’s has its place, but it makes me feel so old.”
“That’s fine Mar,” I replied.
“Now any problems, here is my number, don’t hesitate, my husband does all the maintenance on the property.” Once she had left I flopped onto the sofa. I did it. I had found a new place to call home, now I had to find my way back to the hotel, so I could pick up my van and get settled in.
I had a hard time finding my way back to the hotel, I really should have paid more attention on route here. I had to stop complete strangers and ask for directions it was really embarrassing. When I reached the hotel, I walked inside hoping to see Mr Horseman to thank him for his help, but he wasn’t on duty anymore, he had already gone home. I got in my van and set off to my new place. I passed a supermarket on route, so I stopped in for some essentials.
When I eventually found my new home I pulled up into the driveway and jumped out of my van, now to unpack. I decided I was going to do this in stages, first take everything out of my van, then I would unpack at my leisure. As I was unloading the van, I had a strange feeling I was being watched, I turned around and saw an old couple over the road watching me out of there window. Great I have nosey neighbours, well I suppose it’s better than no one giving a hoot, so I waved at them and carried on. I was thankful when I had unloaded the last box, my ribs were burning, only another week and they should be healed. I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. I grabbed a sausage roll and sat down, time to pop some more pills. It felt satisfying sitting in my own place again, this is the fresh start I needed. My phone started beeping. I picked it up, Dylan, oh no! I forgot to text him. This could be bad. I opened up the text.
“Jazz, excuse me young lady, I thought you promised me a text. How am I supposed to control Cat when you don’t text me? Awaiting your explanation. D.”
Now I felt bad. I had let Dylan down, with everything going on I had totally forgotten to send him the text.
“Sorry bro, I have been so busy, I forgot, I am really, really, really, really, really sorry, please don’t be mad at me. I have found myself somewhere to live, J xxx.”
I hope she hasn’t been too harsh with him.
“That’s all right J, but I could get used to this grovelling business. She isn’t home yet, ha, ha, but there is a serious point to this text. Every morning I want a text off you to let me know how you are doing, I Hope you are listening to me Jasmine, D.”
That little horror, I will wring his neck one day, but then what did I expect it is Dylan after all.
“Dylan Fisher you are a complete rotter. You had my heart pounding for a minute, but hint taken. I promise I will not forget again, J xxx.”
“I am glad you have found a place to live, but I miss you. I am having problems with my girlfriend. I could use a cuddle about now D.”
No, that’s not nice. I wish he were closer.
“I am sorry babe. We will catch up soon, big hug heading your way. Now I want to find a job. Tell her I am fine. J xxx.”
“Will do, and I loved the hug D.”
I was so glad of Dylan’s light-hearted humour, now I need to get on and unpack. I started with my clothes, at least I knew where they were heading. I took my boxes up to my new bedroom and started hanging my clothes up. It was when I opened my last box I came across a picture of Greg and I. We had it taken on holiday in Athens. At the hotel, there was a photographer that had managed to take the most beautiful picture of us that we had ever seen. When we returned home, we went out together and bought a silver frame for the photo, we ended up buying two, then we could have one each, then we went and got another photo printed out. It took pride of place on the mantelpiece in my living room. I had to bring it with me. I felt sad at what I had lost, but at the same time I felt happy at all our memories that we had shared. I put the picture on the bedside table and carried on putting all my effects away.
I took my bracelet back out of the envelope. I closed my eyes and placed a kiss on it. Greg felt so close to me, then I placed it on the corner of the picture frame. Now I have had enough. I went and got my MP3 player and lied on my bed staring at Greg’s photo. I reached to my neck and touched my engagement ring. After the accident I couldn’t bear to have my ring on show, it would have only led to some awkward questions. So I attached it to the necklace that Greg had given me as a birthday present, I wanted it to be close to my heart, happier in the knowledge I could touch it whenever I needed to.
Chapter 4
A knock on the door came as I was reminiscing, who could this be? I went downstairs and answered it. A delivery driver! At this time of night! He handed over a massive bouquet of flowers and then left. No one knew my address yet, apart from Mar. I put them on the kitchen worktop and opened the envelope, I started reading the card.
“Hope you are starting to feel better.
Congratulations on your new house. All my love H.H.”
H.H? Who the hell was H.H? It was the same as the flowers I got in hospital. This little puzzle was going to have to wait. I put them in a pint glass as I didn’t own a vase. It would probably dawn on me in the morning. I couldn’t think straight, so I locked the door and went back upstairs. I lay on my bed and put my headphones in. I started listening to my music. The first song on, Queensrÿche–Silent Lucidity, I couldn’t help but sing along, but as I sung tears started to well up in my eyes. This was one of my favourite tracks, but I couldn’t listen to the lyrics anymore without bursting into tears, so I skipped to the next song. The Pretenders–I go to Sleep, then Kiki Dee–Amoureuse. My MP3 player had it in for me tonight. Were there any tracks on it I wouldn’t cry to? It was going to be a very long night.
I woke with my nightmare and headed straight for the shower. Once I had calmed down I jumped back in bed and replaced my headphones again. When I woke up in the morning my MP3 player was still playing music. What a lovely song to wake up to, Cat Stevens–Morning Has Broken. I turned it off and placed it on my bedside table, I plugged it into charge. A new day in my new life. I had a positive feeling about how my day was going to go. I was up bright and early, I had a spring in my step. Now I needed to find a job. My savings wouldn’t last forever. I sat in the kitchen wondering how I was going to do this. Do I hand a CV to every business I pass? I really didn’t have a clue which would be the best way of finding a new job. I would have to wing it. But before I set off I had to text Dylan, a promise was a promise after all.
“Hi D, as per our agreement I am still here, alive & kicking, Lv u, J xxx.”
“Hi J, thank u, what have u got planned today? D.”
“Job hunting, J xxx.”
“Good luck, D.”
“Ring Cat soon please, she is going insane not speaking to you, I can’t take much more of this, lv u D.”
Oh Dylan, this was dragging me down. I knew I had to phone her at some point, but at this moment, I wasn’t ready. I needed to be a bit more settled so then I would feel up to all her questions. Judging me on whether I was doing the right thing or not. I took another drink of coffee, now I was ready to face my day, I was all caffeinated up and raring to go. It turned into a very long day of delivering CV’s. I only stopped walking to grab some more coffee and to have some lunch whilst I was out. I was hoping som
eone would take me on. I was a fully qualified secretary, but I needed something different, a new life and a new type of job. As I was out I managed to get a good sense of the main town. I was surprised at how big it really was. I don’t know why but I imagined Newtown to be a small progressive town, but I was wrong, it was almost as big as the city I had left.
When I got home I was feeling worn out. I went upstairs and ran a hot bath. I put some lavender bubble bath into the running stream of hot water and placed a few candles around. I turned out the lights and went for a long, long soak. It was absolute bliss. I woke with a fright as my head dipped under the water. I couldn’t believe I had fallen asleep in the water. I never did this, relax absolutely, but never fall asleep. I got my pyjamas on and went down for a spot of dinner. I made a quick sandwich and sat in the front room with my book. By 9:00, I was ready for bed. I locked up and disappeared for the evening.
By the next morning I was ready to unpack the rest of my belongings. I was still feeling tired, the nightmare had kept me awake for over an hour last night. I had a really productive day. I had text Dylan and even managed to tidy up the garage so I could fit my dub in it. I placed everything the Chamber’s had left to one side so they could find it easily enough.
The next day I got a phone call from a delivery company I had handed a CV to. I had my first interview, at 10:30 tomorrow morning, with Mr Earnest at Earnest Delivery’s, 128 Apollo Road. Now I had to find myself some smart clothing and prepare for something totally different, but how hard could it really be? Delivering local parcels, finding the places was going to be the hardest part, until I got to know the town a bit better. I really didn’t have a good sense of direction at all. I started to panic, but then I thought about a navigation application on my mobile phone. I type in the address and it will take me there. I was a genius, why did I not come up with this before? God only knows, but this was a fabulous idea. Now I wasn’t so scared.
The next morning I was up early. I jumped into the shower to freshen myself up for the interview, next job coffee needed. I had become lazy, staying in bed until late, I would have to get out of this habit, I sat in the kitchen and text Dylan
“Hi D, A quick one today, I have an interview at 10:30, wish me Luck, J xxx.”
I didn’t get a text back. Now what is he up to? But I had no time to figure it out now, I had to get a wiggle on. I headed out for my interview. I wore a black and white pinstriped A line skirt and a white blouse, black sling back shoes, with a half inch heel and a small black bag. I applied a very light dusting of make-up. I had my hair down, but off my face with a hair band, I pulled the outfit together with a black cardigan shrug, that I left untied, bingo, now I was ready. I had already done a dummy run the night before so I knew exactly where I was going.
I arrived twenty-minutes early so I hung around outside for a bit. I needed to calm down. I knew how interviews worked, so why was I nervous all the time now? The confident Jasmine had left me. Breathe, just breathe and calm down. Right I was ready, so I headed for the reception before I changed my mind.
“Hi, I have got an interview at 10:30 with Mr Earnest.” The receptionist smiled at me.
“Please take a seat, Mr Earnest will be with you momentarily.”
I sat down twiddling my fingers, I wish I could find the confident Jasmine, why has she deserted me? I looked at my watch 10:30 a.m. precisely.
“You can go through now, go down the hall, it’s the second room on the left, good luck.”
“Thank you.” I stood up and headed to the room, butterflies were doing overtime in my tummy. I approached the door and gave a light knock. I heard a voice coming from within.
“Come in.” So I opened the door and entered. Mr Earnest got up to shake my hand.
“Hello you must be Jasmine Williams.”
“Hi, yes I am, pleased to meet you,” I replied. He gestured for me to take a seat.
“Would you like a drink?”
“No thank you,” I replied. Why did you say no? I was feeling parched, I should have said yes. He read over my CV once I had taken a seat. He asked me a series of questions. All were very easy to answer, my mind took over. He isn’t going to give you the job, you have no experience and you don’t even know the town. My brain started laughing at me. I told it to be quiet, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t talk to me. Then Mr Earnest started speaking again.
“Thank you for coming in, I can offer you a part time position, on a three month trial basis, when can you start?” After stuttering for a few seconds, I replied.
“Anytime,” real smooth answer jazz! He told me to be here on Monday at 8.15 sharp, my working hours were 8.30 – 12.30 p.m. I would receive a uniform on arrival and then he told me to wear comfy shoes. I stood up and shook his hand. I left his office with a grin from ear to ear. I was hoping this meant confident Jasmine was coming back to pay me a visit.
The receptionist smiled at me.
“I take it you got the job then?” I nodded. I was too excited and nervous to answer. Now my speech had deserted me. She held out her hand.
“Hi, I’m Rachel Gowers, congratulations, and welcome to our family. When are you starting?” I held out my hand to shake hers.
“Thank you, I am Jasmine Williams, but please call me Jazz. I start on Monday morning. Mr Earnest wants me here at 8:15 a.m. so I can sort my uniform out.”
“That’s good news, I could do with some female company around here. We are overrun by the male of the species.” We both burst out laughing. Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, my mind was saying as I grabbed onto my broken ribs. Then I realised they weren’t really hurting anymore. I was so used to grabbing onto them it had become a habit now. Luckily Rachel hadn’t noticed me place my hand on my ribs but she did mention the cut on my head. I said I had fallen down the stairs one night being drunk. Although I rarely drunk, it never agreed with me. That’s why Greg had asked me to marry him, I would be a cheap date, I didn’t really want to start explaining about the accident.
“I will see you on Monday morning then Jazz.”
“Yes you will, nice meeting you Rachel.”
When I got outside I switched my phone back on, I couldn’t wait to tell Dylan the good news, but I knew I still had to face Caitlin, beep, beep, beep, beep. Would this phone never stop with the beeping? I opened up the messages.
“Hi J, good luck, I will keep my fingers crossed for you, D.”
“Hi babe, Dylan told me about your job interview good luck hun, Cat xxx.”
“Hi hun, can you ring me please? I need to hear your voice, Cat xxx.”
“Sorry well done on the house as well, Cat xxx.”
I was missing her so much, maybe it was time to actually sit down and talked to her. I had a slow walk home, wondering what on earth I was going to say to her. But at the same time I couldn’t believe I had got the job. This was turning into a great day. I picked up some milk on my way home. I arrived home feeling happy, I wished Greg was here to share in my joy. As I was heading to the kitchen there was a knock on the door, I walked over to answer it. Another bouquet of flowers lay in wait for me, I took them into the kitchen, I was sure these were bigger than the last lot I received. I lay them on the table and read the accompanying card.
“Congratulations on your new job.
All my love H.H.”
This was getting stranger by the minute. I wish I could work out who H.H was. Who would be sending me flowers? I didn’t know of anyone who knew my address and who had knowledge of my new job. I had only just got it. Who could find out that quickly? This was getting me nowhere. I put them in a glass and carried on with my day.
Right then, now what to do? Oh I know I am actually starting to feel hungry, but what do I fancy? I opened the fridge and took a look inside, not much there. I had a glance in the freezer, mince, yes that sounded great. I grabbed my MP3 player and started to cook my dinner. I was always a gifted cook, and I would always beat Greg to the kitchen to make dinner. He always enjoyed my food, he sai
d it was homely and satisfying. Now I had to remember I was only cooking for one, this was no fun at all. I much preferred to cook for someone else, I felt complete in some way. I finished making the Shepard’s pie and sat down to eat. I was no longer feeling hungry, so I ate a bit and binned the rest, I washed up and decided I had better face up to the music and ring Cat.
I was dreading what she was going to say to me. I looked at the time, Cat wouldn’t be home yet, so I got on with some laundry and cleaned up a bit. Now my ribs were getting better I felt happier about doing the housework. At 6:00 I decided it was time to face the music and ring her, she had tried calling me a few times on my cell but I didn’t have the nerve to answer the phone. I couldn’t face the Spanish inquisition although the longer I left it the worse it would be. So I grabbed a drink of coffee and went to the bottom of the garden. I could hear the trees rustling in the cool breeze the sound of the stream flowing by, sitting here with a drink was so relaxing and almost comforting.
Once I plucked up the courage I rang Cat, It took an age before she picked up the phone.
“Hi Cat, please don’t be mad at me.” I was praying she wouldn’t be too mad at me for disappearing without telling her face to face.
“Jasmine, thank goodness, I have been so worried about you, I have been calling you for over a week. If it wasn’t for your note I would have rung the police. What are you doing?” I knew I was in trouble. She never called me Jasmine, unless I was in deep trouble.